This blog will show my longer term Swing trades using OPTIONS. I use specific income producing option strategies with a DIRECTIONAL BIAS. Having a directional bias is critical in earning more, even from what are generally called income trades such as butterflies and condors. The aim of my strategies is to give me more than a 66% edge and to provide a greater than 80% win rate within that edge. The blog shows you the trades I make and how I manage them. For my directional bias, I use the same EL methodology as I employ in my day trading that you have seen for years in the original ElectronicLocal blog. Read the disclaimer.

How I Trade Options

How I Trade Options
My methodology is:
1.   Look at daily charts of Index, Stock or ETF and look for a turning point or good continuation. My chart has the EL indicators that you see in the daytrading blog PLUS some extra ones that are proprietary. I use a short list of underlyings so I always trade from the same list, each of which I get to know well.
2.   Once I see a probable direction, I look for a target price.
3.   Once I envision where the market is going, I pick an option strategy from my list which includes;
a.   Iron condors
b.   Butterfly
c.   Unbalanced butterfly
d.   Others
4.   The strategy I pick partly depends on whether I see a tighter range or a larger range. I also look where I am in the swing cycle.
5.   Once I pick the underlying, the direction and the option strategy to use, I model it in my option software. I use Option Net but TradeStation has OptionStation which can provide the required information. Option Net is what I use because I can back test with it. OptionVue has similar functionality but is more expensive.
6.   Once I am happy with the model, I place a combo order with my broker. A combo order simultaneously executes all the legs of my proposed option position – all or nothing – at a limit price. I try and trade as close to the mid price between a regular bid and ask of the marketmakers. I may work orders below or above the market if I have a short term view.
7.   Once the position is on, I immediately place a Good Till Cancelled SELL combo order. I have a trading plan of where to exit, where to adjust and where to be stopped out.I also place alerts in my software to send me an email if something wild happens and the price of the underlying goes outside preset danger parameters. I don’t like to closely monitor these option positions as it can lead to a break of discipline and tiredness.

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